
Aldrich M. Tan • The Indio Sun

Several new carnival rides are coming to the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival.

The Viper, Balloon Samba and Hip Hop Fun House are the newest rides that will be at the festival’s carnival grounds.

Butler Amusements, based in Fairfield, has provided the carnival rides for the Indio-based festival since 1997. They are also at 37 fairs in six Western states.

Desert Hot Springs resident Dani Moreno (left), 10, and Coachella resident Alex Lucero, 5, ride the Grand Carousel at the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival at the Riverside County Fairgrounds in Indio. Even more family-oriented rides will be featured at this years event. (Marilyn Chung Indio Sun File Photo)

Desert Hot Springs resident Dani Moreno (left), 10, and Coachella resident Alex Lucero, 5, ride the Grand Carousel at the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival at the Riverside County Fairgrounds in Indio. Even more family-oriented rides will be featured at this year's event. (Marilyn Chung Indio Sun File Photo)

The rides are being aimed more toward families so children can enjoy them with their parents, said Andrea Owen, marketing director for Butler Amusements.

“We try to purchase new rides every single year to keep the experience fresh so that the Midway is not the same thing every year,” she said.

The Viper seats 24 people and has more than 3,000 lights, Owen said. The ride’s large arm tilts and spins. Two clusters at the end of each arm will also twist and spin.

The Viper debuted last year and has been known to be a high-capacity thrill ride, Owen said.

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By Alison Meaney – Sun News

In response to an influx of crime stemming from the Forest of the Lost Souls operation on Sugar Ridge Road last fall, City Council is revisiting the ordinance governing circuses, menageries, carnivals and other public exhibitions for the first time since the 1960s.

At the request of Council President Bernadine Butkowski, the safety committee brainstormed the option of requiring criminal history background checks for festival and event operators.

“The disastrous haunted house down on Sugar Ridge caused a lot of problems,” Butkowski said. “We need to know who we’re dealing with.”

This fall thefts from businesses, vehicles and a residence in the area surrounding were linked with haunted forest employees after police discovered a stolen golf cart on the Forest of Lost Soul property.

Four male employees of the Forest of Lost Souls were suspected of receiving stolen property and theft-related crimes. One adult has since been charged, two other adults are facing charges and the fourth has been referred to juvenile court.

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Herald Tribune
PALMETTO — Tens of thousands of people are just two days away from the joys of the Manatee County Fair: the smell of cotton candy, the squeals and laughter of children on rides, and the ear-to-ear smiles of blue ribbon winners.

along with Mike Jones of Denver as they help set up the Alpine Bobs ride at the Manatee County Fair. - STAFF PHOTO / THOMAS BENDER

John Hanson of Texas gets plugged in along with Mike Jones of Denver as they help set up the Alpine Bobs ride at the Manatee County Fair. - STAFF PHOTO / THOMAS BENDER

A homespun tradition that dates back to 1916, the fair drew more than 138,000 people last year; attendance hit a record 155,000 in 2006.ADMISSION

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By C. Ron Allen | South Florida Sun-Sentinel

The South Florida Fair officially opens Friday, and officials say it will be bigger than ever. The fair runs through Feb. 1

This year, the carnival midway will introduce the RC-48, considered the largest portable roller coaster in the United States.

RC-48 of Wade Shows

RC-48 of Wade Shows

The fairgrounds is off Southern Boulevard seven miles west of Interstate 95, west of West Palm Beach.

Gates will be open from noon to 10 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, except on Martin Luther King Day when the hours are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The regular hours on Saturday and Sunday are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Midnight Madness will be from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Saturdays.

The fee is $25.

General tickets are $15 for 12 and older, $9 for 60 and older, $8 for 6 to 11 and free for children 5 and younger.

For information, go to or 561-793-0333 or 800-640-3247.

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